3 Killed In Blast During Religious Gathering In Southern Philippine

On a tragic Sunday, a university gymnasium in the southern Philippines was rocked by a devastating explosion during a Catholic Mass. The blast claimed the lives of three individuals and left nine others injured, according to police reports.


The explosion that occurred at Mindanao State University is currently under thorough investigation by the authorities. Brigadier General Allan Nobleza, the regional police director, has been actively communicating with the media about the progress of the investigation. One of the potential leads that the investigators are considering is the possibility of a retaliatory attack by militants who align themselves with the Islamic State.


The city of Marawi, where the recent explosion took place, has a history marked by conflict. In 2017, it found itself in the grip of Islamist operatives for a prolonged period of five months.

On Saturday, the Philippine military reported a significant operation that resulted in the elimination of 11 operatives. Among those killed were members of Dawlah Islamiyah-Philippines, a group known for its allegiance to the Islamic State. This operation took place in the province of Maguindanao del Sur.

“I condemn the violent bombing incident that transpired this morning,” Lanao del Sur Governor Mamintal Adiong Jr said in a statement.

“Terroristic attacks on educational institutions must also be condemned because these are places that promote the culture of peace.”

Mindanao State University is “deeply saddened and appalled by the act of violence that occurred during a religious gathering,”

it said in a statement on Facebook. “We unequivocally condemn in the strongest possible terms this senseless and horrific act.”

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