Home Depot Co-Founder Bernie Marcus Supports Trump, Conviction or Not

Home Depot Co-Founder Bernie Marcus Supports Trump, Conviction or Not
Home Depot Co-Founder Bernie Marcus Supports Trump, Conviction or Not

Despite the looming possibility of a conviction in one of his four criminal cases, former President Donald Trump continues to receive unwavering support from Bernie Marcus, the retired co-founder of Home Depot, who has pledged to contribute to Trump’s 2024 campaign, albeit not as a major donor.

Bernie Marcus, a billionaire Republican, has been a staunch supporter of Trump in the past, backing his campaigns in both 2016 and 2020. He has stated that he will likely continue to donate to Trump’s 2024 campaign, even if Trump is convicted in one of his four criminal cases. These cases, which are expected to come to trial before the general election in November 2024, involve 91 charges related to Trump’s efforts to overturn his 2020 election loss and his alleged mishandling of classified documents after he left the White House.

Despite the severity of these charges, Marcus remains unfazed. He believes the charges are “trumped up” and continues to appreciate Trump’s stewardship of the United States during his first term in office. However, Marcus clarified that while he plans to financially support Trump’s campaign, he won’t be one of the “big givers”.

In an op-ed he wrote for RealClearPolitics earlier this month, Marcus expressed his belief that Trump would win the nomination. He urged people not to let Trump’s brash style deter them from recognizing his “otherwise excellent stewardship of the United States during his first term in office.”

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Marcus has publicly endorsed Trump’s campaign for reelection, stating, “Let’s face it: Donald Trump is going to win the nomination,” and further adding, “We cannot let his brash style be the reason we walk away from his otherwise excellent stewardship of the United States during his first term in office”.

In the op-ed for RealClearPolitics, Marcus wrote, “Trump has the best chance of winning the general election,” and is “the best person to take on and dismantle the administrative state that is strangling America”.

Marcus also revealed his thoughts on Trump’s policies, saying they were “spot on,” and hinted at a potential challenge in 2024, “it’s going to be very interesting in ’24 because I think DeSantis will challenge him. And may the better man win”.

Marcus’s unwavering support for Trump has not been without controversy. In 2019, his public praise of Trump’s “common sense approach to most things” and his plan to support Trump’s reelection bid sparked calls on social media for a boycott of Home Depot.

Despite this, Marcus remains steadfast in his support, stating, “Now, do I agree with every move that he makes? No, I don’t. But the truth is he has produced more than anybody else. He has. If we look at this country, I would say that we are better off today than we were eight years ago or six years ago.”

Bernie Marcus, the retired co-founder of Home Depot, remains a steadfast supporter of former President Donald Trump, despite the potential legal challenges Trump faces. Marcus’s commitment to supporting Trump’s 2024 campaign, regardless of the outcome of Trump’s criminal trials, underscores his belief in Trump’s leadership and policies. However, this unwavering support has sparked controversy and calls for boycotts in the past. As the political landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how Marcus’s support will impact Trump’s campaign and the public’s perception of both figures.

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