Brazil’s First Lady Sues X, Accuses Elon Musk Amid Hacking Scandal

A recent cyber incident has sparked a heated exchange between Rosangela da Silva, the First Lady of Brazil, and tech entrepreneur Elon Musk. The controversy revolves around an unauthorized breach of da Silva’s account on the social media platform, X.

Rosangela da Silva, affectionately referred to as Janja, and recognized as the spouse of Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, found herself in the midst of a controversy last Wednesday. The incident involved a billionaire, who is the proprietor of a social media platform previously identified as Twitter(X).


Janja’s account on this platform was subjected to a hacking incident that she described as misogynistic. The unauthorized access and misuse of her account led to a series of events that caught public attention.

In response to the incident, Janja publicly criticized the owner. She accused him of resorting to irony as a means to trivialize the serious nature of the cyber attack.

“He minimizes a serious event that doesn’t just affect me, but thousands of women on his platform every day,” she said in a statement.

On December 11, an incident of cyber intrusion involving the account of Brazil’s First Lady, known for her adept use of social media, sent shockwaves across the nation. The event quickly escalated to become a major news story, capturing the attention of the entire country.

The First Lady’s account, which boasts a substantial following of 1.2 million people, was compromised by an unidentified hacker. The intruder took advantage of the breach to post inappropriate images and offensive remarks aimed at the President.

Earlier this week Janja, expressed her dissatisfaction with the social media company, X. She voiced her intention to take legal action against the company, accusing it of a lackadaisical response to her predicament.

Janja’s account had been compromised, and she urgently requested the company to freeze her account, remove the offensive posts that had been made by the hacker, and assist her in regaining control of her account. However, she felt that the company’s response was not prompt enough.

She argued that the company’s slow response had exacerbated the situation, allowing the offensive posts to remain visible for a longer period and causing her further distress. This, she claimed, was a violation of her rights as a user of the platform.

Elon Musk, made a statement on Wednesday. In his statement, he firmly asserted that his company held no responsibility for the incident. Musk’s declaration came in the wake of the controversy surrounding the hacking of Janja’s account on X.

“It is not clear how someone guessing her email password is our responsibility,” he wrote in a post replying to an account that mentioned the legal threat.

“I didn’t say it’s X’s responsibility for someone to ‘guess’ my account password, but it should be the platform’s responsibility to act as quickly as possible when crimes are committed within it,” she said in the statement, adding that she “will continue to raise questions and fight for accountability on the platform

Janja expressed her views on Musk’s response to the hacking incident. She described Musk’s reaction as being “symptomatic” of his usual behavior.

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