R&B Singer Cassie Ventura Files Lawsuit Against Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs Alleging Rape and Abuse

Prominent rapper and record executive, Sean “Diddy” Combs, found himself in the midst of a legal battle when he was served with a lawsuit in a federal court located in New York City. The lawsuit was filed on a Thursday by the acclaimed singer, Cassandra Ventura, who is widely recognized in the music industry under her professional name, Cassie.

Cassie alleges that during the span of their relationship, which lasted for a decade, she was subjected to multiple instances of physical abuse and rape by Combs. Furthermore, she accuses him of sex trafficking. These serious allegations have now become the subject of this legal case.


The lawsuit paints a disturbing picture of Sean “Diddy” Combs, characterizing him as a “vicious, cruel, and controlling man”. It alleges that Combs exercised an overwhelming degree of control over both the personal and professional aspects of Cassandra Ventura’s life.

Ventura, met Combs in 2005 when she was just 19 years old. From that point onwards, the lawsuit details a series of alleged abuses inflicted upon her by Combs.

In a statement released to CBS News, Cassandra Ventura, expressed her readiness to break her years of silence and share her personal narrative. She emphasized her desire to use her voice not only for her own healing but also to support other women who have experienced violence and abuse within their relationships.

“After years in silence and darkness, I am finally ready to tell my story, and to speak up on behalf of myself and for the benefit of other women who face violence and abuse in their relationships,”

Ventura highlighted the impending expiration of New York’s Adult Survivors Act as a catalyst for her decision to speak out. She recognized this moment as an opportunity to shed light on the trauma she has endured, trauma that she acknowledges will have a lasting impact on her life.

“With the expiration of New York’s Adult Survivors Act fast approaching, it became clear that this was an opportunity to speak up about the trauma I have experienced and that I will be recovering from for the rest of my life.”


Sean “Diddy” Combs presents a series of serious allegations. It claims that Combs committed an act of sexual assault against Cassie Ventura, in her own residence. This alleged incident occurred when Ventura attempted to end their relationship.

The lawsuit further alleges a pattern of physical abuse inflicted by Combs on Ventura. It describes instances where Combs reportedly engaged in violent acts such as punching, beating, kicking, and stomping on Ventura. The consequences of these alleged actions were severe, leading to physical injuries such as bruises, split lips, black eyes, and bleeding.

The suit also includes a claim related to an incident in 2012. It alleges that Combs destroyed the car of rapper Kid Cudi by causing it to explode. This act of destruction was reportedly motivated by Combs’ discovery of a romantic interest between Kid Cudi and Ventura.

Further the suit alleges that Combs subjected Cassie to additional forms of sexual abuse. It claims that Combs coerced Ventura into participating in sexual activities with male escorts. These encounters were not private, as Combs is alleged to have been present during these incidents.

Moreover, the suit accuses Combs of filming these forced encounters. It alleges that he did not merely observe, but also engaged in sexual self-gratification during these instances.

The suit also presents additional allegations against Combs, suggesting a pattern of intimidation and manipulation. It alleges that Combs exerted control over Cassie by insisting that she carry a firearm on his behalf. This demand could potentially place Cassie in legal jeopardy and contribute to an environment of fear and coercion.

The allegations extend to claims of Combs exploiting cassie to support his own alleged addictions. The suit alleges that Combs required cassie to obtain illicit prescriptions, potentially involving her in illegal activities and further endangering her wellbeing.

Combs has categorically denied all the allegations leveled against him in the lawsuit. He has taken a firm stance, refuting all claims of abuse, intimidation, and manipulation that have been presented in the lawsuit.

In addition to Combs’ denial, his legal representative has made a counterclaim. The attorney alleges that Cassie Ventura, attempted to extort money from Combs. Specifically, it is claimed that she tried to blackmail Combs for a substantial sum of $30 million.

Ben Brafman, the legal representative of Mr. Combs, expressed strong denial of the serious allegations that have been leveled against him. According to Mr. Brafman, Mr. Combs finds these accusations not only offensive but also outrageous.

The statement further elaborates on a situation that has been ongoing for the past six months. During this period, Mr. Combs has reportedly been under continuous pressure from Ms. Cassie Ventura, Ms. Ventura has allegedly been demanding a substantial sum of $30 million from Mr. Combs. This demand, according to the statement, was accompanied by a threat from Ms. Ventura to pen a potentially damaging book about their past relationship.

Mr. Brafman further elaborates on the evolving situation. He indicates that Ms. Ventura, after retracting her initial threat, has now taken a different course of action. She has reportedly filed a lawsuit filled with accusations that Mr. Brafman describes as not only baseless but also outrageously false.

According to Mr. Brafman, The intention behind this lawsuit, appears to be twofold. Firstly, it seems to be an attempt to damage Mr. Combs’ reputation, which he has built over years in the music industry. Secondly, it appears to be a strategy to secure a financial gain, which Mr. Brafman refers to as a ‘payday’.

Reacting to the statement made by Mr. Brafman, Douglas Wigdor, who is representing Ms. Ventura, presented a counterclaim.

According to Mr. Wigdor, Mr. Combs had allegedly proposed a monetary settlement to Ms. Ventura in an attempt to ensure her silence on the matter. However, Mr. Wigdor asserts that his client, Ms. Ventura, declined this offer.

Douglas Wigdor, stated that Mr. Combs had proposed a substantial eight-figure sum to Ms. Ventura. The intention behind this offer, according to Mr. Wigdor, was to prevent Ms. Ventura from proceeding with the lawsuit and to ensure her silence on the matter.

However, Mr. Wigdor asserts that Ms. Ventura chose not to accept this offer. Instead, she decided to use this opportunity to speak out, aiming to represent and give voice to all women who endure similar situations in silence. Mr. Wigdor commends Ms. Ventura for her decision, characterizing it as an act of bravery. He believes that her courage in facing this challenging situation deserves recognition and applause.

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