India revokes diplomatic immunity of 41 Canadian diplomats: Canadian PM

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that the Indian government’s decision to revoke the diplomatic immunity of 41 Canadian diplomats is making normal life difficult for millions of people in both countries. The Indian government had asked Canada to withdraw dozens of diplomats to maintain parity in strength, which led to Canada withdrawing 41 diplomats from New Delhi.

Trudeau further added that the expulsion of some of Canada’s diplomats will hamper travel and trade and pose difficulties for Indians studying in Canada. Around two million Canadians, 5% of the overall population, have Indian heritage. India is by far Canada’s largest source of global students, making up for roughly 40% of study permit holders. The Indian government’s actions are making life hard for millions of people in both countries.

It is worth noting that Trudeau’s comments come after he had suggested last month that Indian agents might have been involved in the June murder of a Sikh separatist leader in Canada. New Delhi was reportedly angry about these comments, which may have contributed to its decision to revoke the diplomatic immunity of Canadian diplomats.

“The Indian government is making it unbelievably difficult for life as usual to continue for millions of people in India and in Canada. And they’re doing it by contravening a very basic principle of diplomacy,” Trudeau said.

Trudeau made these comments during a televised press conference in Brampton, Ontario. He also expressed his concern for the wellbeing and happiness of millions of Canadians who trace their origins to the Indian subcontinent.

The Canadian Foreign Minister, Mélanie Joly, announced that Canada had withdrawn 41 diplomats and their family members from India amid a diplomatic crisis between the two nations over the killing of a Sikh separatist. However, India has accused Canada of interference in its internal affairs and maintaining a higher number of diplomats in India.

Melanie also informed that only 21 diplomats would be stationed in India from now onwards. India had given an ultimatum to Canada to reduce its diplomatic staff by October 20, which Canada complied with.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has issued a statement in response to Canada’s decision to withdraw 41 diplomats and their family members from India amid a diplomatic crisis between the two nations. The statement reads, “The state of our bilateral relations, the much higher number of Canadian diplomats in India, and their continued interference in our internal affairs warrant a parity in mutual diplomatic presence in New Delhi and Ottawa”.

India has accused Canada of interference in its internal affairs and maintaining a higher number of diplomats in India. The Indian foreign ministry has denied violating the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, following allegations by Canada that India had violated the convention. The Indian foreign ministry has stated that its actions seeking diplomatic parity are consistent with the Vienna Convention.

The Indo-Canadian community is one of the fastest-growing communities in Canada and one of the largest non-European ethnic groups. The highest concentrations of Indo-Canadians are found in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia, followed by growing communities in Alberta and Quebec as well, with the majority of them being foreign-born.

Following the diplomatic crisis between India and Canada, Canada has withdrawn 41 diplomats and their family members from India . As a result, Canada now has 21 diplomats remaining in India .

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