Gigi Hadid Controversial Post, Apologises For Not Fact-Checking

Gigi Hadid, a supermodel of Palestinian-American descent, has recently issued an apology for a post she made on Instagram regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict.

In the controversial post, Hadid a 28 years old, accused the Israeli state of committing several crimes against Palestinian children. This post was made prior to the attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7.


Response to the criticism, Hadid admitted to not fact-checking her post before sharing it with her millions of followers.

In a subsequent Instagram post, Hadid sought to clarify her intentions and issued an apology for her previous post, acknowledging that she had used an inappropriate example. She elaborated on her original intent, which was to shed light on the disparity in the treatment of Palestinian and Israeli children who find themselves entangled in the legal system.

Hadid pointed out that Palestinian children who are arrested by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) often do not receive the same rights as Israeli children accused of similar offenses.

In her post, Hadid emphasized that her intention was not to single out one group over another, but rather to advocate for the equal human rights of all children, whether they are Israeli or Palestinian.

Gigi Hadid, expressed her deep emotional connection to the ongoing crisis in Gaza. The relentless stream of distressing news and images emerging from the region has had a profound impact on her.

However, she acknowledged that over the past weekend, she shared a piece of information without thoroughly verifying its accuracy or considering its implications. She admitted to reposting the information impulsively, without giving it the necessary thought or scrutiny.

In a comprehensive two-page post, Gigi Hadid clarified her stance on the issue. She emphasized that her primary concern was always about human rights. She reiterated that any form of violence or harm directed towards any individual, including Jewish people, is categorically unacceptable.

She strongly condemned the act of taking innocent people hostage, stating that such actions are never justified. She also denounced any harm inflicted on someone solely based on their Jewish identity, asserting that such behavior is fundamentally wrong.

Through her post, Hadid sought to communicate a message of peace and respect for all individuals, regardless of their race, religion, or nationality.

She further asserted that there have been instances where the Israeli government has been accused of violating human rights. These allegations are serious and have sparked international concern.

These alleged violations include, but are not limited to, disproportionate use of force, restrictions on movement, and the demolition of homes. However, it’s crucial to remember that these are complex issues with deep historical roots.


“It is well documented, by credible human rights organizations, that there has been systemic mistreatment of the Palestinian people by the government of Israel. I know these historical issues well because they are the history of my own family, Palestinians who were forced to flee their homeland in the late 1940s,” she wrote. “At the same time, I understand that with the power of my platform comes a huge responsibility. I’m human and I make mistakes. But I also hold myself accountable for those mistakes.”

“At the same time, I understand that with the power of my platform comes a huge responsibility. I’m human and I make mistakes. But I also hold myself accountable for those mistakes,” she added.

Ms. Hadid further clarified her stance, stating that she does not support the spreading of misinformation. She has consistently condemned the misuse of the Free Palestine movement as a pretext for anti-Semitism. She believes it is her duty, both to herself and her followers, to carefully consider her thoughts and present them in a more constructive manner. Her ultimate goal is to draw attention to violations of international law and human rights.

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