Instagram 4 New Features Include Multiple Lists in Stories, Birthday, Audio and Selfie Video Notes

Instagram, which recently celebrated its anniversary on October 6, is introducing 4 new features to appeal to Generation Z. The Meta-owned app will begin testing these features soon and may launch them within the coming months. The new creative features include reminders for birthdays, audio notes, video notes through selfies, and multiple lists for Stories.

According to the company, these features will help the newer generation to express their creativity on the app and share content more easily.

The first new feature is “Birthdays”, feature allows users to celebrate their special day with friends and followers by letting everyone know when it’s their birthday and enabling friends to join in the celebration with fun additions like stickers and confetti.

Instagram already lets users celebrate the birthdays of their loved ones. With the new feature, the app will also allow users to help their friends remember their birthdays.

Instagram has recently introduced a new feature called Instagram Notes that allows users to share their thoughts and updates with each other in a quick and easy way. Notes can be either an audio note or a selfie video note, and are available in the DM section at the top of the messages.

The “Audio Notes” feature lets users make a voice recording as a note, while “Selfie Video Notes” will allow users to capture short videos that loop in their notes for 24 hours, adding a dynamic element to their updates.

Audio Notes” and “Selfie Video Notes” are set to be a hit among the younger generation. Notes have become a preferred method of communication for teenagers, and Instagram is taking it a step further with these new additions.

Audio Notes” will let you leave voice recordings as notes, making it easier to share thoughts and messages in a more personal and expressive way.

Additionally, Instagram is expanding its “Multiple Lists in Stories” feature. Beyond the existing “Close Friends” list, users will soon be able to create lists for various friend groups such as one for their university friends, another for their office buddies and even for their families. This enhancement will provide a more tailored and flexible approach to sharing content with specific groups of followers.

These upcoming features are designed to enhance the user experience and make Instagram even more appealing to its younger audience. They are part of Instagram’s ongoing efforts to stay relevant and adapt to the evolving preferences of its users.

This feature has gained popularity on the app, and is similar to old-school messaging services like AIM and MSN Messenger. Instagram Notes are short posts or messages that appear at the top of other people’s inbox. When you post a note, you can select followers who follow you back or your Close Friends list as the audience.

You can customize your notes with text and/or emojis, but they must be 60 characters or less. The note will remain at the top of your friends or followers’ inbox for 24 hours before disappearing. You can also update, edit or delete your note at any time. Friends or followers have the option to respond to your note (as you do theirs) and replies will appear as DMs in your messages inbox.

This feature is currently being tested by Instagram and is only available in select locations. While creating a story, a shortcut button at the bottom of the screen will allow users to easily select the most recently used list. Users will be able to share a Story with multiple lists at the same time. Those who are part of an audience list will be notified when they view your story with the green icon appearing on top.

This feature is highly anticipated by Instagram users and is expected to be rolled out globally soon.

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