Hamas Militants Live-Stream Killing of Israeli Woman’s Grandmother on Facebook

Hamas Militants Live-Stream Killing of Israeli Woman's Grandmother on Facebook
Hamas Militants Live-Stream Killing of Israeli Grandmother on Facebook. Image Credit: Facebook

Kibbutz Nir Oz, Israel – Hamas militants broke into the home of an Israeli woman’s grandmother in Kibbutz Nir Oz, Israel, on Saturday, October 10, killed her, and then live-streamed a video of her body on her Facebook page, according to the woman’s granddaughter, Mor Bayder.

Bayder said that her family believes the militants broke into her grandmother’s home after breaching the fence from Gaza, which is less than a mile away from the kibbutz.

“I assume she was the first point of contact where the terrorists infiltrated,” Bayder said.

Bayder said that she found out about her grandmother’s death when she saw the video on her Facebook page.

“I saw that worst thing you could possibly imagine,” she said in Hebrew. “My grandmother, in her house, being murdered in a video.”

Bayder said that she believed a militant took her grandmother’s cell phone, filmed with it, and uploaded the footage to her private Facebook page.

“That’s how we found out, how we learned about it,” Bayder said.

The Israeli military has not released any information about the incident. However, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid condemned the attack, calling it a “war crime.”

“The barbaric murder of an elderly woman by Hamas terrorists is a war crime and a moral disgrace,” Lapid said in a statement. “We will not allow Hamas to continue to terrorize our citizens with impunity.”

The incident has sparked outrage in Israel and around the world. Many people have condemned the Hamas militants for their brutality and for live-streaming the killing of an innocent woman.

The Israeli military announced that it had killed the Hamas militants who are believed to have been responsible for the killing of Bayder’s grandmother. The militants were killed in an airstrike in Gaza.

The Israeli military said that the militants were members of a Hamas unit that specializes in carrying out attacks against Israel. The military also said that the militants were planning to carry out additional attacks against Israel in the near future.

The killing of the Hamas militants is a positive development, but it does not bring back Bayder’s grandmother. The incident is a reminder of the brutality of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, and it underscores the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The killing of an Israeli grandmother by Hamas militants and the live-streaming of her death on Facebook has had a profound impact on the people of Israel and Gaza. The incident has sparked outrage and anger, and it has further inflamed tensions between the two sides.

The incident has also had a significant impact on the peace process. It has shown that Hamas is willing to target innocent civilians in its attacks against Israel. This makes it more difficult for the two sides to trust each other and reach a peace agreement.

The killing of an Israeli grandmother by Hamas militants is a tragedy that should never have happened. The incident is a reminder of the brutality of the conflict between Israel and Hamas, and it underscores the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The international community must do everything it can to support the peace process and to prevent future tragedies like this from happening.

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