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Megyn Kelly Criticizes Gigi Hadid Over ‘Inaccurate’ Israel Statements

Megyn Kelly Criticizes Gigi Hadid

Megyn Kelly, a prominent American journalist known for her outspoken political views, recently expressed strong criticism towards supermodel Gigi Hadid. Kelly, who previously worked as a host for Fox News, made her feelings clear in an interview with DailyMail. She dismissed Hadid’s political commentary, stating.


“First of all, Gigi Hadid is an idiot. She should concentrate on walking down the long runway and trying to look pretty.”

Kelly’s harsh words were in response to Hadid’s public criticisms of Israel. Hadid, a 28-year-old supermodel of Palestinian descent, has been vocal about her views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Even before the recent escalation of violence between Hamas and Israel, Hadid had accused Israel of committing crimes against Palestinians.

ALSO READ | Gigi Hadid Accusing Israel of Organ Harvesting Spark Outrage

A few days ago, Gigi Hadid made a series of controversial statements on her Instagram account. She claimed that Israel is the “only country in the world that keeps children as prisoners of war.” Additionally, she accused Israelis of committing severe human rights violations, including the abduction, rape, and torture of Palestinians, prior to the recent attack by Hamas.

In a recent incident, Hadid, stirred up controversy with a post on her Instagram account. She shared a reel that claimed Israeli doctors have confessed to harvesting organs from deceased Palestinians, including children.

Hadid’s post sparked a significant backlash, leading to calls for her cancellation and even a petition against her. Critics accused her of spreading misinformation and promoting a one-sided narrative of the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In response to the criticism, Hadid issued an apology. She acknowledged the controversy surrounding her posts and expressed regret for not fact-checking the information before sharing it. In her statement, she emphasized her support for both her Palestinian and Jewish friends and condemned the terrorizing of innocent people.

ALSO READ | Gigi Hadid Condemns Labeling of Palestinians as Terrorists

Gigi Hadid, in her heartfelt message, expressed the deep pain and overwhelming emotions she has been grappling with due to the distressing news and images emerging from Gaza. As a person of Palestinian descent, she feels a strong connection to the region and its people. She stated,

“As someone of Palestinian descent, the endless heartbreaking news and imagery coming out of Gaza has been painful and often overwhelming.”

She further emphasized her commitment to shedding light on the real-life struggles that Palestinians face on a daily basis. She believes it’s crucial to share these stories to raise awareness about the ongoing hardships endured by Palestinians. However, she acknowledged her mistake in sharing unverified information over the weekend. She admitted,

“It is important to me to share real stories about the hardships that Palestinians have endured and continue to endure, but this weekend I shared something that I did not fact-check or deeply think about prior to reposting.”

This statement reflects her intention to use her platform responsibly and her commitment to fact-checking in the future.

Megyn Kelly, the 53-year-old former NBC News correspondent, expressed her frustration over the statements made by Gigi Hadid, regarding Israel. Kelly found Hadid’s consecutive remarks about the country to be misleading and incorrect.

Kelly, known for her forthright views, did not hold back in her criticism of Hadid’s comments, as “grossly inaccurate.” She suggested that Hadid should focus on her successful modeling career, where she has gained considerable recognition and acclaim. Kelly added, “She does a pretty good job of that,”

Kelly’s critique extended to Hadid’s skills as a political pundit, which she bluntly dismissed, stating, “As a political pundit, she stinks.”

Megyn Kelly, continued to express her dissatisfaction with Gigi Hadid’s comments on Israel. She advised Hadid to remain silent, suggesting that her primary role should be to present herself well and focus on her modeling career. Kelly emphasized, “That’s her job. She would do well to remember it.”

Kelly expressed her frustration with celebrities, like Hadid, who speak on subjects they lack a comprehensive understanding of. She criticized them for their biased and often inaccurate statements. Kelly stated,

“I’m sick of these sisters coming out talking about things they have zero understanding of, and everything they say is biased one way and grossly unfair, and usually inaccurate.”

“So I’m done with them – not that I was ever into them.”

ALSO READ | Gigi Hadid Controversial Post, Apologises For Not Fact-Checking

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