Netanyahu says Hamas attacks are as barbaric as the Holocaust.

After US President Joe Biden gave a strong statement of support for Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a transcript of part of their conversation in which he described the atrocities committed by Hamas during its surprise attack on Israel.

The transcript reveals that Netanyahu told Biden that Hamas’ attacks were “barbarism not seen since the Holocaust” and that the group was “targeting innocent civilians, including women and children, with indiscriminate rocket attacks.He also said that Israel was “doing everything we can to defend our citizens,” but that “we need your help.

Biden responded by expressing his “solidarity with the Israeli people” and condemning Hamas’ “indiscriminate attacks on civilians.” He also said that the United States was “committed to Israel’s security” and that he would “do everything in his power to help Israel defend itself.”

Following US President Joe Biden’s unprecedented statement of support for Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took the unusual step of releasing a transcript of part of their conversation in which he also described the atrocities committed by Hamas during its surprise attack on Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the latest Hamas attacks as “savage” and “worse than ISIS”, calling for the group to be treated as such.

In a conversation with US President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked the president and his administration for their unwavering support, and expressed his appreciation for the emotion shown by White House spokesman John Kirby in a recent interview on CNN, calling it “deeply moving” and a reflection of the American people’s commitment to Israel.

President Biden, I want to give you a clear picture of the horrific situation we face in Israel,” Netanyahu said. “On Saturday, we were struck by an attack whose savagery we have not seen since the Holocaust. Hundreds of our people have been massacred, including families wiped out in their beds in their homes. Women have been brutally raped and murdered. Over 100 people have been kidnapped, including children.

Netanyahu described to Biden the atrocities committed by Hamas since their last conversation, including the burning and execution of dozens of children, the beheading of soldiers, and the mass shooting of youngsters at a music festival. He compared the massacre to Babi Yar, a mass grave where Nazi SS soldiers killed over 33,000 Jews in a single day in 1941.

ALSO READ | Israeli Forces Recapture Gaza Border Areas From Hamas After Four Days of Fierce Fighting

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