OpenAI’s ChatGPT Rolls Out Voice Commands and Image Prompts Support

San Francisco, CA – OpenAI, a leading research laboratory focused on artificial intelligence, has announced new voice commands and image prompts support for its AI chatbot, ChatGPT. These features are currently only available to Plus and Enterprise users, but they are expected to be rolled out to the free version of ChatGPT soon.

The voice capability allows users to have voice conversations with ChatGPT, rather than having to type out their prompts. ChatGPT will convert the voice prompts to text and respond accordingly.

The image capability allows users to share images with ChatGPT to get responses. ChatGPT will analyze the image and generate a response based on its understanding of the image and the user’s query.

Experts Weigh In

AI experts have praised the new voice and image capabilities for ChatGPT, saying that they will make it more intuitive, user-friendly, and creative.

“The new voice and image capabilities for ChatGPT are a significant step forward for AI chatbots,” said Dr. Sarah Bird, AI expert at Stanford University. “These features will make ChatGPT more accessible to users and allow it to generate more creative and informative responses.”

Potential Applications

The new voice and image capabilities for ChatGPT could have a number of applications in the real world. For example, they could be used to:

  • Develop more engaging and informative educational experiences
  • Create more personalized chatbots for customer service
  • Develop new forms of creative expression
ChatGPT Rolls Out Voice Commands And Image Prompts Support to Plus And Enterprise Users | CNN-News18

The new voice and image capabilities for ChatGPT are a promising development in the field of AI chat bots. These features have the potential to make ChatGPT more accessible to users and allow it to generate more creative and informative responses. It will be interesting to see how users adopt these new features and how OpenAI continues to improve ChatGPT over time.

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