Rocket Attack on US Embassy in Baghdad: No Casualties Reported

On the morning of Friday, the U.S. embassy located in Baghdad experienced a sudden and alarming attack. The assault was carried out using two rounds of rocket fire, launched with the intention of causing significant damage and potential harm.

Despite the severity of the attack, it was reported by an embassy spokesperson that there were no casualties.


The spokesperson for the U.S. embassy pointed to militias in Iraq that are aligned with Iran as the likely perpetrators of the attack. After the attack, no group stepped forward to claim responsibility.

This incident marks the first reported rocket attack on the U.S. embassy since a significant shift in the regional conflict dynamics. In mid-October, an umbrella group of Shi’ite Muslim militias, who are aligned with Iran, began a new wave of attacks. These were not just random acts of violence, but targeted strikes against U.S. forces stationed on military bases in Iraq and neighboring Syria.

The armed factions, which operate under the collective name of the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, have been responsible for more than 70 attacks. These groups have explicitly linked their aggressive actions to the U.S.’s support of Israel during its intense conflict with Gaza.


“We again call on the Government of Iraq, as we have done on many occasions, to do all in its power to protect diplomatic and Coalition partner personnel and facilities,” the embassy spokesperson said.

Friday, around 4 a.m., the stillness of the night in Iraq’s capital was shattered by the sound of explosions.

The sudden eruption of chaos triggered immediate responses. Sirens began to wail throughout the vicinity, their urgent calls piercing the air.

Social media soon lit up with videos from the scene, providing a real-time window into the unfolding situation.

In addition to the diplomatic personnel stationed in Iraq, the United States maintains a military presence in the country, with approximately 2,500 troops deployed.

“We reiterate that we reserve the right to self-defence and to protect our personnel anywhere in the world,” the spokeperson said.

The primary objective of this mission is to prevent the resurgence of the Islamic State, a militant group that once held significant territory in Iraq and neighboring countries. In 2014, the Islamic State shocked the world by seizing large swathes of Iraq and Syria. However, through the concerted efforts of local and international forces, the group was eventually defeated and its territorial holdings significantly reduced.

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