Tragedy in Russia: Schoolgirl shoots several classmates, leaving 1 dead, before killing herself

On Thursday, Russian schoolgirl resorted to violence against her classmates, leading to a tragic outcome. The young girl, opened fire on her classmates within the school premises.

The attack resulted in the unfortunate death of one student, while five others sustained injuries of varying degrees. The details surrounding the motive behind this act of violence remain unclear. Following the attack, the young girl tragically ended her own life.

The incident of the shooting took place at a school in the city of Bryansk, which is located in a region that shares the same name. This region is situated along the border of Ukraine. The information was confirmed by Russia’s Investigative Committee.


According to a report by the Russian state news agency, RIA Novosti, the condition of one of the individuals wounded in the shooting incident is quite severe.

In an interview with the Russian state news agency, RIA Novosti, a student who witnessed the incident shared some chilling details. The student revealed that the young girl had brought the firearm to school concealed in a tube typically used for carrying papers.

The witness further recounted the terrifying moment when the shooting began. Two girls rushed into their classroom seeking safety. One of them was the twin sister of the 14-year-old shooter.

According to Russia’s Investigative Committee, the young girl brought a pump-action shotgun to school

In a video that was shared by Ria Novosti, a scene of intense fear and anxiety was captured. The footage revealed children, their faces etched with terror, huddled together in a classroom. The only thing standing between them and the unseen danger outside was a makeshift barricade.

According to a report by RIA Novosti, the father of the deceased girl was brought in for questioning. He was not considered a suspect, but rather a key witness who could shed light on the tragic incident. Investigators were particularly interested in understanding how his young daughter had managed to obtain a firearm.

The state news agency, reported that the school’s director was also brought in for questioning. The focus of the inquiry was not only on how the young girl was able to smuggle a weapon into the school, but also on the overall security measures in place at the institution. The investigators were keen on understanding the effectiveness of the school’s security systems, and whether they were robust enough to prevent such incidents.

Maria Lvova-Belova, the Commissioner for Children’s Rights under the President of Russia, announced on her Telegram channel that she was personally overseeing the care of the children who were injured in the incident. Her role involves ensuring that the rights and welfare of children are protected and upheld.

However, Lvova-Belova’s name has been associated with controversy. In March, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for both her and Russian President Vladimir Putin. They were accused of war crimes, specifically pertaining to the alleged abduction of children from Ukraine. The ICC holds them responsible for these serious allegations, marking a significant development in international law enforcement.

The Interior Ministry of Russia has announced that it has initiated an investigation to determine the underlying reasons behind a recent school shooting incident.

The Ministry is committed to uncovering the motives behind these tragic events in an effort to prevent future occurrences.

The rise in school shootings in Russia in recent years is a concerning trend that has prompted calls for increased security measures in schools, as well as improved mental health support for students.

In a tragic incident that occurred in September 2022, a school located in the heart of Russia became the scene of a horrifying act of violence. A lone gunman, armed and dangerous, stormed into the school premises and unleashed a barrage of bullets. The attack resulted in the loss of 17 innocent lives, while another 24 individuals suffered injuries of varying severity.

The gunman, turned the weapon on himself after the rampage, ending his own life in the process.

In a deeply distressing incident that took place in April 2022, a kindergarten in central Russia was the scene of a horrifying act of violence. A man, launched a brutal attack on the unsuspecting victims within the premises of the kindergarten.

The attack resulted in the tragic loss of two innocent children and a dedicated staff member who were part of the kindergarten community.

In a shocking incident that occurred in May 2021, a former student of a high school in the Russian city of Kazan embarked on a deadly rampage, turning the educational institution into a scene of terror and despair. The man, opened fire on the students at the school, resulting in the tragic loss of nine lives, including seven children.

In a tragic event that unfolded in 2018, a college in Russian-occupied Crimea was the site of a devastating mass shooting. The perpetrator, an 18-year-old student of the college, embarked on a deadly rampage that resulted in the loss of 20 lives.

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