Tragedy Strikes Paris: Tourist Killed in Stabbing Incident Near Eiffel Tower

On a tragic day in the heart of Paris, near the iconic Eiffel Tower, an assailant launched a violent attack on unsuspecting tourists. This horrifying incident, confirmed by Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin on saturday, resulted in the death of one individual and left two others nursing injuries.

The suspect, a 26-year-old man of French nationality, was apprehended without delay. The police employed a non-lethal method to ensure a safe arrest, using a Taser stun gun to incapacitate the man. as stated by Gerald Darmanin


In 2016, he was convicted and sentenced to a four-year prison term for planning another attack.  the interior minister added. Upon his release, he was placed on the watch list of the French security services, the suspect was also known to have psychiatric disorders.

The incident took place around 1900 GMT in the vicinity of the iconic Eiffel Tower, on the Quai de Grenelle. With a knife in his hand, the man attacked the couple, inflicting mortal wounds on a German national.

Following the initial attack, the man attempted to flee the scene. However, the police were quick to respond. The attacker resorted to using a hammer, injuring two other individuals in the process.

The individual involved in the incident was reported to have exclaimed “Allahu Akbar”(God is greatest). He expressed his distress to the police about the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Palestine, stating that the loss of Muslim lives in these regions deeply troubled him. Furthermore, he voiced his discontentment with the situation in Gaza. These revelations were made public by Darmanin.

The investigation into the incident has been taken over by the anti-terrorism prosecutor’s office.

The incident that took place on Saturday night in the heart of Paris has occurred with less than eight months to go before the city is set to host the Olympic Games. This unfortunate event could potentially spark a series of questions and concerns about the security measures in place for the upcoming global sporting event.

Paris is planning a truly unique opening ceremony for the upcoming Olympic Games, which will be held on the iconic Seine river.

The ceremony is expected to attract a massive crowd, with estimates suggesting that as many as 600,000 spectators may attend.

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