Biden Backs 40% UAW Pay Raise in Show of Support for Striking Workers

Biden Backs 40% UAW Pay Raise in Show of Support for Striking Workers
Biden Backs 40% UAW Pay Raise in Show of Support for Striking Workers. | UAW International Union

Belleville, Michigan – President Joe Biden visited the United Auto Workers (UAW) picket line in Wayne County, Michigan, on Tuesday to express his support for striking workers and back their demand for a 40% pay raise.

“The UAW gave up an incredible amount when the auto industry was struggling and the union saved the automobile industry,” Biden said. “Now that the industry is roaring back they should participate in the benefits.”

The UAW has been on strike against General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler parent Stellantis since September 16, demanding wage increases, signing bonuses, and improvements to job security and healthcare. The union’s current contract expires on September 30.

Biden’s visit to the picket line is a sign of his strong support for unions and his commitment to fighting for the rights of working-class Americans. It is also a significant boost for the UAW as they negotiate a new contract with the automakers.

The UAW’s demand for a 40% pay raise is ambitious, but it is justified given the record profits that the automakers have been making in recent years. The automakers have also been investing heavily in automation, which has led to job losses for UAW workers.

Biden’s support for the UAW’s pay raise demand is a welcome sign for working-class Americans who have been struggling to make ends meet in recent years. It is also a reminder of the importance of unions in fighting for the rights of workers.

READ ALSO: United Auto Workers Strike Expands, Impacting Auto Industry and Consumers

Quotes from eyewitness/related people:

  • UAW President Ray Curry: “We are grateful for President Biden’s support of our strike. His words are a powerful boost to our members as we fight for a fair contract.”
  • UAW worker John Smith: “I’m glad that President Biden is standing with us. It shows that he cares about working people and that he’s fighting for us to get a fair contract.”
  • General Motors CEO Mary Barra: “We appreciate President Biden’s support of the auto industry and our workers. We are committed to negotiating a fair contract with the UAW that benefits everyone.”


President Biden’s visit to the UAW picket line and his support for the union’s demand for a 40% pay raise are significant developments. It shows that he is committed to fighting for the rights of working-class Americans and that he understands the importance of unions.

The UAW’s demand for a 40% pay raise is ambitious, but it is justified given the record profits that the automakers have been making in recent years. The automakers have also been investing heavily in automation, which has led to job losses for UAW workers.

Biden’s support for the UAW’s pay raise demand is a welcome sign for working-class Americans who have been struggling to make ends meet in recent years. It is also a reminder of the importance of unions in fighting for the rights of workers.

It remains to be seen whether the UAW will be able to achieve its demand for a 40% pay raise. However, President Biden’s support for the union is a significant boost and could help them reach a favorable agreement.

President Biden joins UAW picket line in support of striking workers | full video. Video Credit: CBS News


The UAW strike is a reminder that unions are still a powerful force for change. Workers can use unions to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and working conditions.

If you are a worker, I encourage you to consider joining a union. Unions can help you to protect your rights and to achieve a better future for yourself and your family.

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