UAW Workers Strike Mack Trucks for Better Wages, Benefits

UAW Workers Strike Mack Trucks for Better Wages, Benefits
UAW Workers Strike Mack Trucks for Better Wages, Benefits. Image: Mack Truck Historical Museum, Allentown, Pennsylvania ( Lehigh Valley/Wikimedia)

UAW workers at Mack Trucks went on strike on October 9, 2023, demanding better wages, job security, and benefits. The strike is the latest in a series of labor actions by unions this year as they negotiate new contracts.

The UAW and Mack Trucks have been negotiating a new contract for several months, but the two sides have been unable to reach an agreement. The main issues in the strike are wages, job security, and benefits. Workers are seeking a higher pay raise than the company has offered, as well as better job security protections and benefits such as health care and retirement.

The strike is having a significant impact on Mack Trucks’ production and sales. The company has already been forced to idle some of its plants and has warned that the strike could lead to layoffs. The strike is also having a ripple effect on the trucking industry and on other businesses that rely on Mack Trucks trucks.

“We are striking for a fair contract that respects our hard work and dedication,” said UAW Local 677 President Ray Curry. “We deserve better wages, job security, and benefits.”

“We are standing together for what is right,” said UAW Local 1111 President Gary Jones.

It is unclear how long the strike will last. Both sides have said that they are committed to reaching an agreement, but the two sides are still far apart on the key issues. The outcome of the strike will have implications for workers at other companies, as unions across the country are watching closely.

The UAW strike at Mack Trucks is a complex situation with no easy answers. Both sides have legitimate concerns, and it is unclear how long the strike will last. However, it is clear that the strike is having a significant impact on the trucking industry and on the workers involved.

The strike is a reminder of the importance of unions. Unions give workers a voice and the power to negotiate for better wages and benefits. When workers band together, they can make a difference.

The outcome of the UAW strike at Mack Trucks will have implications for workers at other companies. Unions across the country are watching closely to see how the strike turns out. If the workers are successful, it could embolden other unions to take action.

The strike is also a reminder of the challenges facing the trucking industry. The industry is facing a shortage of drivers and rising costs. The strike is likely to make these challenges even worse.

It is important to follow the UAW strike at Mack Trucks and other labor actions that are happening across the country. These actions are shaping the future of work in the United States.

Additional Information

  • The UAW strike at Mack Trucks is the first strike at the company since 2019. That strike lasted for 12 days and ended with workers getting a 10% pay raise over four years.
  • The UAW strike at Mack Trucks is one of several strikes that are currently underway in the United States. Workers at other companies, such as John Deere and Kellogg’s, are also on strike.


The UAW strike at Mack Trucks is a significant event in the trucking industry. It is the latest in a series of labor actions by unions this year as they negotiate new contracts. Unions have been using labor actions to keep employers off-balance and to demand better wages and benefits for their members.

The strike is also a reminder of the challenges facing the trucking industry. The industry is facing a shortage of drivers and rising costs. The strike is likely to make these challenges even worse.

The outcome of the UAW strike at Mack Trucks will have implications for workers at other companies. Unions across the country are watching closely to see how the strike turns out. If the workers are successful, it could embolden other unions to take action.

It is important to follow the UAW strike at Mack Trucks and other labor actions that are happening across the country. These actions are shaping the future of work in the United States.

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