Ukrainian Forces Launch Missile Attack on Russian Warships in Sevastopol

Sevastopol, Republic of Crimea, July 31, 2021. Russian cruiser Moskva in the port. Russian Navy. manhhai (flickr)

Ukrainian forces launched a missile attack on the Sergo Ordzhonikidze shipyard in Sevastopol, Crimea, on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, damaging two Russian warships, the Saratov landing ship, and the Vasily Bykov patrol ship, and injuring at least 24 people.

The attack is the latest in a series of Ukrainian strikes on Russian targets in the Black Sea region. It is also the first time that Ukrainian forces have been able to successfully target Russian warships in the Black Sea. The attack is a major blow to Russia’s naval capabilities in the region and could have a significant impact on the course of the war in Ukraine.

Russia’s Sevastopol shipyard in flames, 2 ships damaged following Ukrainian attack. Video Credit: Global News

“The attack is a significant achievement for Ukrainian forces and a blow to Russia’s naval capabilities,” said P.W. Singer, a specialist on 21st-century warfare at the New America think-tank in Washington. “It shows that the Ukrainians are capable of striking at Russian targets in Crimea, which is a major strategic asset for Russia.”

The attack is also likely to increase tensions between Russia and Ukraine and could lead to further escalation of the conflict. “The attack is a major escalation of the conflict and could lead to further Russian strikes on Ukrainian territory,” said Michael Kofman, a Russian military expert at the Center for Naval Analyses. “It is also a sign that the Ukrainians are willing to take the fight to Russia.”

The Ukrainian military has not officially confirmed the attack, but it has not denied it either. The Russian military has denied that any of its ships were damaged in the attack.

The attack is a major setback for Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, which is the largest naval fleet in the Black Sea. The fleet is responsible for protecting Russia’s interests in the region, including its naval base in Sevastopol. The attack is likely to force Russia to reconsider its naval strategy in the Black Sea.

The attack is also likely to have a significant impact on the course of the war in Ukraine. The Russian Black Sea Fleet has been used to support Russian forces in the war, and the loss of two warships will weaken Russia’s ability to support its troops. The attack could also embolden Ukrainian forces and lead them to launch more attacks on Russian targets.

Explosions at a shipyard located in Crimea, which is currently under Russian control. Credit By: Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

The full implications of the attack are still unclear. However, it is clear that the attack has significantly raised the stakes in the conflict. The international community is watching closely to see how Russia responds to the attack. If Russia retaliates, it could lead to further escalation of the conflict.

The attack is a reminder of the high cost of war and the need for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The international community must do more to help Ukraine defend itself against Russia’s aggression. The Ukrainian people are determined to fight for their freedom and sovereignty, and they deserve the support of the international community.

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